Skynet Club Net

Every Friday at 8:30PM EDT

This Weeks Topics

*** SPECIAL NET – November 15 2024 at 8:30pm ***

November 15,  8:30pm on Skynet, Ian Clarke (VA3KCP) will be giving a presentation / update on RAC-EMO (Emergency Management Ontario) relationship and mission for RAC.  As well, drop kit contents and deployment, SETs vs Exercise then some new info regarding the emergency frequency plan. A Q&A will follow.
Hope you can join us for an interesting evening.

The Skywide ARC hosts its club net “Skynet” every Friday. Playing on the theme of artificial intelligence courtesy of the Terminator Franchise, we’ve adopted the tagline “Where your radio comes to life”.


At the start of each net we briefly discuss any club news and then move on to a general round-table discussion. Several new questions are proposed by our netcontrol team and club members each week. The questions usually do not strictly revolve around amateur radio and instead branch into other hobbies, activities, life events and areas of interest. We encourage open discussion and feel that it is important to discuss more than just amateur radio, especially where significant cross-over hobbies such as off-roading, camping and the like may help members branch out into these areas of interest.

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